Personnel de l'université

Bénédicte GRANDON

Maitresse de Conférences en Sciences du langage - Linguistique, acquisition & didactique des langues


0253522232 (n° interne : 442232)

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

  • L2SDL :
    - Psycholinguistique & acquisition
  • M1FLE :
    - Enseignement, apprentissage et acquisition en FLE
    - Linguistique pour l'acquisition et apprentissage du FLE/FLS
    - Phonétique & Prosodie : correction
  • M2FLE :
    - Acquisition des langues étrangères

Activités / CV

Profiles on Researchgate and HAL

Publications récentes

  • Grandon B., Ruigendijk E. (2024). The role of phonological features in lexical processing by German-speaking school age children. In Weicker, M., Lemmer, R., Listante, A. & Grimm, A (Eds.). Empirical and theoretical approaches to language acquisition: a generative perspective (pp 144-168). Cambridge Scholar Publishing.
  • Grandon B., Schlechtweg M., Ruigendijk E. (2024). Processing of plural marking in nouns by German-speaking children with normal hearing and children with cochlear implants: an eye-tracking study. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 67(3). 853-869. 10.1044/2023_JSLHR-23-00145
  • Grandon B., Schlechtweg M., Ruigendijk E. (2024). Processing of noun plural marking in German-speaking children: an eye-tracking study. Journal of Child Language, 51, 1450-1477. 10.1017/S0305000923000521
  • Hardebeck L., Ruigendijk E., Grandon B., Licandro U. (2024) Narrative and related spoken language skills—a comparison between German-speaking children who are hard of hearing and children with typical hearing. Frontiers in Communication. 9:1473075. 10.3389/fcomm.2024.1473075

Communications récentes

  • Grandon B., Ruigendijk E. (2024, 12-14 September). How do speakers of L1 Dutch process noun plural marking in their L3 German? [Talk]. GALA16, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Grandon B., Ruigendijk E. (2024, 31 May-01 June). Can phonological information and individual factors explain the variability in lexical processing in children with Hearing Loss? [Talk]. “From Hearing to Understanding” Workshop, Oldenburg, Germany.
  • Schuhmann K., Ruigendijk E., Grandon B. (2024, 31 May-01 June). Processing of Nominal Plural Suffixes by L1 and Beginner-Level L2 German Listeners. [Talk]. “From Hearing to Understanding” Workshop, Oldenburg, Germany.
Mis à jour le 25 février 2025.